Monday, February 22, 2010

Skim Trip Feb. 20, 2010

This year I plan to dedicate more effort and time to my skim boarding hobby. This means Skim Trips twice a month. With this in mind, I have decided to go back to the last Batangas resort where we stayed (Maligaya Resort). It was a bit quiet since the only person available to accompany me was my best friend who was, at that time in need for an escape from office related work load and problems. Same routine, arrive, buy food for grilling, rest a bit, skim till I drop with the Locals.

That night (after a few drinks), a surprise text message came from our skim friends that they are already at the resort! We talked a little and decided to try out their brand spanking new Boards very early next day. 6 am came, we did not mind the cold breeze and lack of breakfast, even the lack of sleep (due to endless videoke singers), off we went to skim!

It was a very fun day since all made progress riding. Even my best friend got the hang of it a bit. I'm proud to say that the only rest we had was lunch! All in all, it was a day of skim boarding, sun burns, laughter, food trip, and of course... pictures!

My Thanks again to the skim gang, Dhen, Wayanne, Camile?, Shamae, Jed, Janella, and Jean for the laugh trips and fun filled skim trip!

Next meet... Zamba Attack! (Hope everyone can attend!)

To view the complete set of images click here

Monday, February 8, 2010

1st Skim Boarding Trip for 2010

My buddy and co-photographer PJ had me drawn to this sport for quite some time now. I even had designed and ordered my very own skim board. This February, we invited a couple of friends from work to go to Nasugbu for an overnight weekend getaway and my board's break in. Unfortunately they weren't able to come due to schedule issues. Instead only me, PJ, and another good friend of mine, Jean were free this weekend and were able to experience Nasugbu.

We we're also joined by members of the Alon Skimboarding Group and three lovely ladies, 2 of which are also beginners. As usual PJ instructed the beginners including Jean with the basics for safety and guaranteed fun.

After the fun in the sun, all 6 of us enjoyed a good old inihaw meal we prepared and a couple of drinks later. We then had a little group hug shoot before waving goodbye to our new found friends.

Early the next day, we had another run of skim boarding, packed up, had lunch in Tagaytay, and head on home. It was fun meeting new friends who are as excited and drawn in by the same sport.

Thanks to PJ for the invite and basically organizing this weekend getaway, to Dhen, Way, Anne Sha Mae, and Jean for a night of laughs, poses, pictures, and Fun.
Hope to meet up with you guys soon for another Skim Trip Getaway.

To view the images click here.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Last week my teammate invited me to go to Tagaytay and then Batangas for the weekend. The first thing I thought was a weekend shooting session. So Weekend came, I was a bit late since I have Tennis practice in the morning.

First destination: Lunch at Tagaytay. There were 6 of us. Me, Hender, Amiel, Jean, Ice, and Hazel. Upon arrival we had to pickup Amiel and Hazel. Tagaytay is the home of Sinigang na Bulalo so we decided we had to eat the specialty for this place. We chanced upon Green ATS Bulalohan and it is here that we treated our tummies with Sinigang na Bulalo, Fried Tilapia fish, and Fried Tawilis fish.

Second on the list is Sonya's Garden.This was supposed to be Sonya’s private paradise, open only to family and friends and eventually, friends of friends. But after much prodding from all who have enjoyed the country living experience to share with more people what otherwise would have been her retirement lifestyle, she finally but reluctantly relented. In February of 1998, she opened the doors of her secret garden to the public in time for Valentine’s Day. This venue was also famous for wedding receptions, and this weekend was not an exception. There were 2 Wedding receptions that time and the garden has been rigged for romantic poses. This was when Me and Hender clicked away.

Lastly we wanted to visit Ice's resort in Batangas so we head on out to Good Luck Beach Resort for some fun in the sun, a little bit of swimming, drinking session with a little bit of sound tripping, and a whole lot of picture taking. And did I mention a lot of fun? Dinner time came and we were treated to a yummy Batangas style Beef Tapa and Fish Ginataan at Ice's home 10 minutes from the resort.

For the complete set of images follow the links below:
Green ATS Bulalohan Images
Sonya's Garden
Good Luck Resort Batangas

Thanks to Ice for the invite and to Hender for the Ride. And to Amiel, Hazel, and Jean for the great time. We should do this again.

Until the Next "Lakwatcha" Sessions!