Monday, February 22, 2010

Skim Trip Feb. 20, 2010

This year I plan to dedicate more effort and time to my skim boarding hobby. This means Skim Trips twice a month. With this in mind, I have decided to go back to the last Batangas resort where we stayed (Maligaya Resort). It was a bit quiet since the only person available to accompany me was my best friend who was, at that time in need for an escape from office related work load and problems. Same routine, arrive, buy food for grilling, rest a bit, skim till I drop with the Locals.

That night (after a few drinks), a surprise text message came from our skim friends that they are already at the resort! We talked a little and decided to try out their brand spanking new Boards very early next day. 6 am came, we did not mind the cold breeze and lack of breakfast, even the lack of sleep (due to endless videoke singers), off we went to skim!

It was a very fun day since all made progress riding. Even my best friend got the hang of it a bit. I'm proud to say that the only rest we had was lunch! All in all, it was a day of skim boarding, sun burns, laughter, food trip, and of course... pictures!

My Thanks again to the skim gang, Dhen, Wayanne, Camile?, Shamae, Jed, Janella, and Jean for the laugh trips and fun filled skim trip!

Next meet... Zamba Attack! (Hope everyone can attend!)

To view the complete set of images click here

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