Thursday, December 11, 2008

Master Fogger

Woke up today with someone's voice yelling: "Government Fogging Services!!". So I went down to see this guy with a machine resembling a 50mm gattling gun with smoke coming out of it. Curious of how the fogged environment looked through the viewfinder and armed with my DSLR, I clicked away.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Self Portrait: Strobist Style

Being excited at what my brand spanking new RF trigger could do coupled with a hunger to shoot, I tried photographing my self.

It just came to me, why not experiment with a self portrait which looks like it was taken from a studio. I then looked around and found myself a clean yellow wall to be my background. I setup my Flashgun to light the background studio style. Meaning I wanted to light the wall as if the yellow from the middle fades out to black. Having created the background, i then turned to my trusty table lamp (the one I used from my glowing wine bottle picture) and used it to light my face. Armed with a Tripod, my trusty EOS 400D camera, kit lens, and a remote control for the trigger, I shot my 1st studio style picture.

Equipment used: EOS 400D DSLR, Tripod, Remote Trigger, Falcon Eye wireless transmitter and reciever, 580 EX II flashgun, Table lamp.

Glowing Wine Bottle

I just got hold of an RF trigger recently. For the benefit of readers new to photography, an RF trigger is a gadget that lets you trigger a flash off the camera body wireless using radio frequency. Anyways, since I wanted to play around with it and test it, I looked around the house and found this empty wine bottle which has frosted glass walls. I then had this idea to light is up as if it was a light bulb. Since I am quite new to setting my flash gun to manual mode, I experimented a bit with the different power settings until I got the hang of it. I also added a piece of furniture beside it to cover the empty space and make the picture a bit more interesting.

Having 1 flash gun light the bottle from beneath left me with an underexposed or dark furniture and a flat picture. To solve this I placed a table lamp near the furniture to light it up. Still I noticed something was off. Then I realized that it was the the light coming from the glass table spreading out. To compensate for this unnecessary light, I used a black book to act as a "Gobo" as termed by David Hobby of to restrict the light.

And whala! This is the result. My first glowing effect capture using a Canon 580 Ex II flash gun an a table lamp as my sources of light.

Welcome to the Blogging World!

I have been thinking of creating a blog site for my stress relieving hobby for quite some time now. traveling the cyber space using my fingers led me to believe that Blog spot seemed to have every thing I needed in a free blog site, so here I am creating my very first blog.

This site is dedicated to my favorite hobby: Photography. You might have already encountered a lot of photography sites and might have noticed that they have different themes, may it be Food Photography, Portrait Photography, Strobist Style Photography, Travel Photography, etc. and maybe asking yourself what kind of photo blog is this? Well the answer my friends is this: This is Jandz' blog site for his encounters with photography. I hope to keep a somewhat diary of my growth in photography and maybe someday look back and see where I was when I started this Hobby and where I am now. I want to share what little knowledge I have now about this Hobby and hopefully help the next generation photo hobbyists.

With that said let me Welcome you to My World of Photography!