Monday, December 8, 2008

Glowing Wine Bottle

I just got hold of an RF trigger recently. For the benefit of readers new to photography, an RF trigger is a gadget that lets you trigger a flash off the camera body wireless using radio frequency. Anyways, since I wanted to play around with it and test it, I looked around the house and found this empty wine bottle which has frosted glass walls. I then had this idea to light is up as if it was a light bulb. Since I am quite new to setting my flash gun to manual mode, I experimented a bit with the different power settings until I got the hang of it. I also added a piece of furniture beside it to cover the empty space and make the picture a bit more interesting.

Having 1 flash gun light the bottle from beneath left me with an underexposed or dark furniture and a flat picture. To solve this I placed a table lamp near the furniture to light it up. Still I noticed something was off. Then I realized that it was the the light coming from the glass table spreading out. To compensate for this unnecessary light, I used a black book to act as a "Gobo" as termed by David Hobby of to restrict the light.

And whala! This is the result. My first glowing effect capture using a Canon 580 Ex II flash gun an a table lamp as my sources of light.

1 comment:

dee said...

wow! that turned out really good. nice work.