Monday, December 8, 2008

Welcome to the Blogging World!

I have been thinking of creating a blog site for my stress relieving hobby for quite some time now. traveling the cyber space using my fingers led me to believe that Blog spot seemed to have every thing I needed in a free blog site, so here I am creating my very first blog.

This site is dedicated to my favorite hobby: Photography. You might have already encountered a lot of photography sites and might have noticed that they have different themes, may it be Food Photography, Portrait Photography, Strobist Style Photography, Travel Photography, etc. and maybe asking yourself what kind of photo blog is this? Well the answer my friends is this: This is Jandz' blog site for his encounters with photography. I hope to keep a somewhat diary of my growth in photography and maybe someday look back and see where I was when I started this Hobby and where I am now. I want to share what little knowledge I have now about this Hobby and hopefully help the next generation photo hobbyists.

With that said let me Welcome you to My World of Photography!

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